TSFGeo performed a geotechnical engineering study for the Palm Beach County Convention Center Parking Garage, a 9-level parking garage with basement-level parking located at 1099 Florida Avenue behind the PBC Convention Center at 650 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach.  The purpose of the study was to explore the subsurface conditions at the site to enable an evaluation of acceptable foundation systems for the construction. Fieldwork included SPT borings.  Provided geotechnical evaluations regarding the site and subsurface conditions; spread foundation after Vibro-compaction; auger cast pile alternatives; utilities; construction excavation and dewatering. Geotechnical recommendations were provided for foundation design and general site development. TSFGeo also provided comments regarding factors that may impact the construction and performance of the proposed construction.

4- Palm beah County Convention center Parking Garage

Prior to construction, TSFGeo performed pre-construction survey services. The purpose of the pre-construction conditions documentation is to document existing conditions (interior and exterior) of adjacent structures, to the south and east of the proposed garage prior to and after completion of vibro-flotation techniques and temporary sheet pile installation that will likely cause ground movement. Our scope of work included assistance in delivering notification letters to property owners and maintaining contact records; coordinating and scheduling inspections with property owners; visually inspecting, videotaping, and photographing observable existing cracks, deterioration, or other signs of distress. Prior to the start of construction and for each property observed, written reports and photographic records consisting of both video footage and still images were prepared for distribution to the property owners.

TSFGeo provided construction materials testing services during the construction phase of the PBC Convention Center Parking Garage. Sampling and Laboratory Testing included Modified Proctor values on structural fill, slab and backfill material, and utilities; LBR tests on subgrade and base materials; compressive strength concrete cylinders and grout prisms for walls; and compressive strength mortar cubes for pre-cast members.  TSFGeo technicians are performing In-Place-Density testing on structural fill, slab, subgrade, base, and backfill material. TSFGeo also provided Vibro-compaction Verification Borings and Vibro-flotation probe installation observation. 

The project was completed on time and within budget.